Since Storyline 2 was released, I have created lots of slider interactions and used them in various tutorials. Here are just a few examples of Storyline sliders.
Now that I’m back working with Captivate 8 full time for a few months, I wondered if sliders could be created in Captivate as well. There has been a Captivate slider widget available for years, but I wanted to try creating a slider only with built-in Captivate functions. Long story short; I experimented with two variations of using slidelets. Here is a quick demo.
My first attempt didn’t work out as envisioned, so I reverted back to using Advanced Actions to show/hide the image groups that represent each ‘stop’ of the slider scale.

It’s a bit more work that using some prebuild component, but if you really need to use sliders in Captivate and don’t want to rely on a third-party widget, using Advanced Actions is a workable alternative. Also, using images and Advanced Actions gives you complete control over the look&feel of the slider.
After a year-long hiatus, I’m just getting back into working with Captivate and am still trying to catch up with CP8’s new features. If anyone has a better idea for building sliders, let me know. Next, I’ll experiment with CP8’s location-based and responsive design features…Stay tuned.
Thank you so much! This is exactly what I was looking for. I relatively new to Captivate, can you post a step by step on how to get this done?
This slider bar is for individual slides? Can you post step by step process on achieving this..
Iam looking forward for this.. Pls throw some light..
Very interesting. Don’t need step-by-step necessarily, but it would be great to get a few more details from you to point us in the right direction. Thanks!